In 1962, a group of five men went to the bank and signed a note to purchase 80 acres of land from the Lockhart family to build a nine hole golf course. These charter members, Charles Thomas, George Simon, Al Williams, Farrell Berryhill, and Willing Boone then sold shares to seventy five individuals. These people were the first members of the Pontotoc Country Club. See below a list of the original members from 1965.
Members as of March 1, 1965:
Max Akins,Marvin Clowers,Alvis Gooch,Joe Kurzeak,Malvin Baldwin,J. E. Coble,Charlie Gray,Pete,Lockhart,Clay,Benjamin,Robert Cook,Leland Griffin,EdLyle,Farrell Berryhill,Horace Crane,M. K.Griffin,Rodney Mapp,Mrs. S. T. Bigham,Devan Dallas,Max Griffin,Byrd Mauldin,Troy Blevins,Frank Damuth,Thomas Hale,James Miller,Mrs. William Boone,J. T. Davis,Dr. James Haney,Mendell Montgomery,William Boren,Guy H. Day,W. B. Haney,P. E. Murphy,James Bost,Hayden Dillard Buford,"W. B. Haney, Jr.",Howard McCord,J. A. Boyd,A. A. Donaldson,Lyle Hansberger,W. S. McGee,Reese Brakefield,Terry Donaldson,Rufus Hardy,David Naugher,Williams Bridges,William Donaldson,Carl Harmon,C. W. Nelson,J. B. Bridgmon,Jack Doty,Kenneth Hatcher,K. A. Nester,Dr. Milton Brown,Fred Dowdy,Rudolph Hatcher,A. M. Norwood,Brantley Browning,Dr.,George Duff,Joe Henderson,Mrs. Ruth Owen,Lacy Browning,A. D. Duncan,Guyton Henry,Charles Page,J. A. Burch,Mrs. J. C. Edwards,W. W. Holmes,Vester Page,Malone Burgess,Stanley Faulkner,Dr. W. B. Howard,Dr. John Patterson,Jack Caldwell,Leonard Fauver,Jim Hubbard,"Troy Pitts, Jr.",Thomas Caldwell,R. B. Fields,Dick Hoffman,G. T. Pound,Mrs. J. P. Campbell,Zane Fields,"Ben Hurt, Jr.",Billy Rex Ray,W. L. Carpenter,Ted Frantz,W. H. Jackson,Hattie Mae Ray,Mrs. Jamie Castle,A. W. Gavins,W. R. Jackson,O. T. Ray,Gene Clement,Hershell O. George,R. J. Johnson,Mrs. Jo Rayburn,K. G. Rayburn,L. L. Tidwell,Jim Sneed,Wagner Williams,T. H. Rayburn,Willard c. Towner,Howard Stafford,Jeff Wilson,"Jeff Rish, Jr.",J. E. Treloar,Kenneth Stegall,Winnie Winston,James Royce,bobby Tutor,Hugo Steiner,Judson Wylie,James Roye,Fulton Tutor,W. L Steward,Joe Young,Clyde Russell,T. W. Tutor,Dr. Jack Stokes,E. E. Wilder,Mrs. J. H. Salmon,Waldrow Waldrop,Wood Stringer,Alf Williams,Sonny Seale,Marcus Warren,O. J. Tallant,Charlie Seat,Bob Waters,"O. J. Tallant, Jr.",Billy Jo Sewell,Dr. Paul Whiteside,Charles Thomas,Bain Shannon,Fred Wicker,L. G. Simmons,Dr. R. L. Shannon,Everette Wilder,Cye Sneed